3 Tips For First-Time Whole Bean Drinkers

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Do you enjoy your morning brew but want to take your coffee game to the next level? While you can experiment with plenty of exciting ways to make coffee, fresh ground whole beans will improve every one of them. Unfortunately, many aspiring coffee aficionados may find the process of buying and grinding their own beans more than a little intimidating. 

The good news is that enjoying whole beans doesn't need to be hard or complicated! If you're about to take the plunge into this wonderful hobby, these three tips will help get your brewing adventure off on the right foot.

1. Get the Right Gear

Before you can do anything, you'll need to purchase the right tools for the job. Fortunately, it doesn't take much to get started. Since you'll be making your own grounds, you can grind to any consistency, allowing you to use your favorite brewing method and saving you from needing to buy any new brewing equipment (at least right away).

The only genuine requirements are a kitchen scale for measuring your grounds and a grinder. The two most common grinder types are burr grinders and blade grinders, which are often drastically cheaper. While burr grinders will produce a more uniform and consistent ground, the low cost of blade grinders makes them an excellent choice for anyone new to the world of whole bean coffee.

2. Know Your Beans

While you'll see plenty of different types of beans in the wild, most are ultimately either arabica or robusta beans. Robusta beans are a cheaper, lower-quality, and often stronger option, but you won't typically find these in quality coffees. On the other hand, arabica beans are far more flavorful and aromatic, without the unpleasant bitter taste often associated with instant or lower-end coffees.

So, what's with the many different types of beans you can find in the store? Most of them come down to origin. For example, Colombian beans (unsurprisingly) originate in Columbia and are a high-quality form of arabica. If you're a beginner in the world of purchasing whole beans and grinding your own coffee, starting with Colombian can help ensure you're getting the best flavor from your brew.

3. Experiment!

There's an amazing amount of room for experimentation when it comes to brewing coffee. Once you've started on your whole bean journey, you'll probably want to continue to experiment with new coffees, new brewing methods, and even new grinders. Remember that coffee doesn't need to be boring, so don't be afraid to change your routine and try new things.

Ultimately, getting a great brew of coffee is all about starting with the best beans. If you have a good base to work with, you can't go wrong by experimenting with new techniques and having a little bit of fun in the process.

Visit a local coffee bean shop to learn more about getting different types of coffee beans, including a 2 lb bag of whole bean Colombian coffee
